around Venice

I'll take you around Venice, baby. Let's explore the lushy streets, smell the blooms, view the palms up high and let's take a stroll along the beach. Let's indulge the healthy food and let's shop Lincoln blvd and the Kinney. Let's support the creative and let's slow down. So long, sweet Venice.


Photos taken by me in venice, LA - late April 2016

30th bday bash fringy garland

Hi there!

Mid-April came around and it was time to celebrate my 30th birthday. Dirty-thirty, big three-oh yep, all that jazz. I love a good old party and I might love planning them even more! I had sourced the web, Pinterest, Instagram for all kinds of inspiration for party deco. One of my fave website slash blog slash shop is: - What's in a name, right?!

So, they did this Big Fringe Garlands DIY back in 2012 and luckily they still have it in their blog archives. These big-o garlands never left my mind and I decided that I wanted this too for my bday party.

My party deco buddy Marije joined me on this venture. You can manage by yourself, but I would highly recommend asking your friend for help (and fun!).

Here we go!

How to:

1. Buy the old school crepe paper garlands at a party deco store, handcraft store or a Chinese toko store. We picked 4 colours.

2. Use masking tape to stick the top of the garland to the wall. It will hold! They never fell down, that was my fear haha!

3. Hang a discoball and string lights for double disco effect.

4. Get some fun snaps while you're working on it. It is a fun backdrop right away and great content for your insta-grid!

5. Twirl the garlands on top. You can twirl some of them more tight than others for some variation.

6. Let them fall loosely on the floor. Tadaa! All ready for some test snaps with the Polaroid!


Or, use the DIY by Oh Happy Day.


Photos by both me and Marije Pasman